Erection all risks insurance [ear] Protects the interests of principals and contractors involved in erection of plants, machinery, heavy equipments etc, against Their exposure to loss, damageor liability by various external and internal causes during the course of erection.
Maintenance period risks: After the erection works, including testing and commissioning covered under the ear policy has been completed, maintenance period Cover comes to effect. During this period the cover is against any loss &/or damage that occurs in the course of the compliance with the maintenance obligation Under the contract. The premium is calculated on the total erection value of the contract and is based on factors such as duration of contract, nature, location of project site, Period of erection, experience of the erectors etc.
Accidental bodily injury and /or death to third parties (not members of the insured’s family or their employees)
Accidental damage to property (excluding property belonging to or in the custody or under the control of the insured, his family members or his employees), and
Legal expenses for defending any proceedings with insurer’s consent.
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